Security and Access Policy

This Security and Access (“Policy”) supplements the Master Service Agreement (“Agreement”) located at and incorporated by reference therein, and governs the Customer’s use of the Colocation Space (as defined in the applicable service order document (“Order Form”)). By entering the Colocation Space, Customer (“You”) agrees to abide by the terms outlined in this Policy. If you fail to comply with this Policy, you will have breached the Agreement and SATC COLO may suspend or terminate the Services (as defined in the Agreement and Order Form) and your account at any time. SATC COLO will investigate incidents involving such violations and may involve and will cooperate with law enforcement if a criminal violation is suspected. Questions regarding this policy should be directed to


1.     Facility Access and Authorization


Only authorized individuals, those whom the Customer has identified and listed as “Customer Representatives” on the applicable Order Form (and persons escorted by Customer Representatives (“Escorted Persons”)), will be permitted to enter the Colocation Space.


Customer Representatives must use their designated access credentials (e.g., keycards, biometric access, etc.) to enter the Colocation Space. Customer is responsible for ensuring that the Customer Representative’s access credentials remain secure and are not shared with unauthorized individuals.


All Escorted Persons must be pre-approved by SATC COLO least 24 hours in advance. Escorted Persons must present valid government-issued identification and sign in upon arrival. SATC COLO may conduct additional security screenings, including bag checks, before allowing access. Customer is responsible for ensuring that Customer Representatives and Escorted Persons comply with this Policy and all applicable security measures.


Customer is strictly prohibited from accessing unauthorized areas within the Colocation Space, including but not limited to other customer-designated spaces or cabinets, SATC COLO administrative and operations offices, infrastructure, cooling, power, and the mechanical room, and any other area designated as off-limits. Customer may not access or interfere with other customers’ server racks, cabinets, or cages, network switches, and routers, or devices not specifically assigned to their account, or power distribution units (PDUs). Customer Representatives and Escorted Persons found in unauthorized areas will be removed from the Colocation Space and may be subject to further action.


SATC COLO may, for good cause, suspend the right of any Customer Representative or other person to access the Colocation Space.


2.     Equipment Access


Customers may only access, modify, or maintain their own Customer Equipment (as defined in the Agreement). Access to or tampering with any equipment not owned by the Customer is strictly prohibited.


The Customer agrees that it is solely responsible for the security of its Customer Equipment within the Colocation Space, and acknowledges that SATC COLO cannot guarantee the security of Customer Equipment, nor can it be held liable for any security breach or damages resulting from such a breach.


3.     Security Measures


The Colocation Space is equipped with 24/7 video surveillance, security access controls, and electronic logging of all entry and exit activities. Security footage is retained and may be reviewed in case of incidents. Unauthorized access attempts to the Colocation Space will be logged, investigated, and reported to the appropriate authorities if necessary.


4.      Security Breach Response


In the event of a security breach, SATC COLO will assist in breach detection and identification. However, SATC COLO shall not be liable for any failure, inability, or mistake in detecting or identifying security breaches. Any security breaches, unauthorized access attempts, or suspicious activities must be reported immediately to SATC COLO. SATC COLO will investigate incidents and, where applicable, notify affected customers within 24 hours of identifying a breach. Corrective actions may include revoking access credentials, implementing additional security measures, and coordinating with law enforcement if necessary.


5.     Modifications


SATC COLO reserves the right, in its discretion, to change, modify, add to, or remove portions of the Policy (collectively, “Changes”), at any time. Such Changes will apply prospectively beginning on the date the Changes are posted to Continued use of the Services after Changes constitutes acceptance of the revised terms.

